A misty morning did not deter attendees to Toora’s Pear Party last weekend. The annual event is held in the Toora Heritage Pear Orchard park on Mill Street, and seems to be going from strength to strength with as yet unconfirmed record numbers turning out for a fun day of pear picking, children’s activities and an outstanding lineup of music performed by local acts.

President Tony Adams of the organising committee, said, “It’s been an amazing day for the community who have come out in big numbers to support the event”.

“It’s not just locals though, we’ve seen plenty of visitors to the town coming from as far as Melbourne to join us, which is great” Tony added. 

The Make or Bake a Pear competition was a great success on the day with some divine looking creations. 

Among the winners on the day was Grade 6 Melbournian, Talia, who travelled down for the weekend to attend the Prom’s weekend of events. She took home the Outstanding Junior 

Entry prize for her miniature pear tart baking scene made from polymer clay.

“I just love making models of what I see and this seemed to be perfect for the competition”, she said. David Barrett